Join Alyssa Miller from Home Yoga & Barre in West Pittston for an All Levels yoga class held at the Susquehanna Brewing Company located at 635 S. Main Street in Pittston, PA. This will go from 11am-1pm on January 12.
Bring your mat – we will have several extra mats if requested personally. We will start with the yoga class inside the brewery, and each person will receive two pints of beers for tasting! This is included in your ticket price. Feel free to relax and hang out in the new tasting room!
How do yoga and beer go together? Health is a BALANCE, right?! When we do yoga, so often students immediately leave a class. Here, we are encouraged to hang out and learn about those around us. Being social is a great way to relieve stress!
Total cost for this event is $20 – beer and yoga!
Please pre-register at the link below if you will be attending.
Please verify your age